
Welcome to the documentation of our cross-chain, intent-based lending protocol designed to bridge the worlds of Bitcoin and Ethereum. This protocol leverages the unique capabilities of both networks to offer a flexible and secure lending service focused on the use of Bitcoin's ordinals/BRC20s and Ethereum's stablecoins. At the core of our system is ORBK, an ERC20 token on Ethereum, which plays a pivotal role in governance and operational mechanics within our ecosystem.

Supported Assets

OrdiBank supports a variety of assets including BTC, BRC20 & Atomical Tokens. Users can borrow and repay BTC, Ordinals and Atomicals using OrdiBank

Significance of cBTC1 for BTCFI on Bitcoin L1:

The introduction of cBTC1 on the Bitcoin L1 network is poised to be a transformative step for Bitcoin Finance (BTCFI). By tokenizing Bitcoin through cBTC1, OrdiBank enables a substantial transition of trillions of dollars of native liquidity into the BRC-20 and Atomical money market it has created. This transition is monumental as it allows previously untapped liquidity from the Bitcoin ecosystem to seamlessly integrate into the native operator financial landscape.

cBTC1 acts as a gateway, attracting massive liquidity from Bitcoin holders who can now leverage their Bitcoin assets within the OrdiBank platform. This transition brings unprecedented opportunities for Bitcoin liquidity to flow into OrdiBank, providing users with a broader array of financial instruments and yield opportunities. As a result, cBTC1 is instrumental in not only expanding the utility of Bitcoin but also fostering the growth and maturation of the entire DeFi ecosystem on the Bitcoin L1 network through OrdiBank.

Why use OrdiBank?

  • Competitive Pricing: Users can obtain BRC20 and Atomicals at a nearly 1:1 ratio, offering a more favorable rate compared to swapping on decentralized exchanges (DEX) or automated market makers (AMM).

  • Additional Income: Users can earn extra income by participating as Borrowers or Lenders in the first ever, native Bitcoin money market environment.

OrdiBank is not just a protocol; it's a pioneering solution on Bitcoin L1, bringing the power of Compound Finance to the Bitcoin network. With a focus on asset support, competitive pricing, and user benefits, OrdiBank is poised to redefine the money market for atomicals and BRC20 standards. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to develop and enhance the Ordibank protocol for the benefit of developers, users, and investors alike.

Last updated